Vince Giordano

Vince Giordano (March 11, 1952, Brooklyn) is a musician, arranger, and leader of the New York-based Nighthawks Orchestra. Giordano specializes in the jazz styles of the 1920s and early 1930s. Giordano and the Nighthawks have contributed to a number of films and he is especially noted for orchestrations featured in the movies of Woody Allen. Giordano plays many instruments himself. They include the bass saxophone, which anchors the Nighthawks' rhythm section on many hot jazz arrangements. Giordano, who lives in Brooklyn, has been a frequent performer on the radio program A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor. Although their focus on vintage jazz styles is similar, as is their use of the bass saxophone, Giordano's Nighthawks should not be confused with the Memphis Nighthawks, an influential Chicago-area band led by virtuoso reed player Ron Dewar.

Select discography

With Daryl Sherman


External links